As I was writing to let everyone know that there is an additional Visible As Myself class available this year, I was “called away” from my desk to iron a backdrop for Del so he could record some movement videos for Perception U.
He got such a kick – who knows why – from seeing me iron in front of all his camera’s and lights he just had to go and video it.
I agreed to let you see it .. sigh ..if I could also use the video to tell you about the class. I got so distracted by what Del was doing, I never explained it well. You’ll have to go see the class for yourself. It starts next week (November 11th) so check it out!
Anyway – ironing -here it is:
I’m very impressed with your ironing, Beca. And I laughed. Here’s my BIG question. On my “to do” list is to BUY AN IRON to start ironing my husband’s shirt. (That’s actually a lie. I don’t iron, but I have a lovely woman who comes to my house every week who is good at it.) Except I don’t know a thing about iron’s. Is there one that you recommend?
Thanks! Diane
LAUGHING! I rarely iron .. like hardly ever. I buy NO IRON shirts and blouses. However, this was a necessity. The iron I use is a Black and Decker 480. It says Quick And Easy on it. I probably bought it for that phrase and the fact that as a Black and Decker I could pretend it was a tool (love tools..real tools .. not people). Anyway, for the amount of time I use it – it has been great.
I never saw someone have so much fun ironing before! Will you come to my house and iron my sheets for me? And bring that crazy camera man with you!
It does look like I am ironing a sheet -rather then a backdrop – doesn’t it! You’d be laughing too if that crazy camera man was crawling around on your floor! And we might just show up at your house one day, but no ironing will take place!
This video really made me laugh! You guys are silly!