PERCEPTION U Join The Perception Circle

Note: The Circle is currently closed for new members..If you want to know when it is open again, please join our waiting list.

Gathering in a community with like-minded people is one of the most important ingredients in fostering and sustaining personal and spiritual growth.- Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome! I love that you are interested in the Perception Circle, where the word Community is both a noun and a verb.

This Circle is open to any woman interested in participating in a community of like-minded souls where every member feels the support and encouragement of walking with a group of people on the same path with everyone’s best interests in mind.

If that’s you, I hope you will join us! If you are unsure if this is right for you, ask me! — Beca Lewis

Reasons To Join The Circle!

  • Find support, guidance, and inspiration through daily conversations and connections in our PRIVATE Forum Community.
  • Monthly online meetings (Recorded in case you can’t be there)
  • Monthly office hours, where every kind of question is addressed.
  • Discounts on ALL classes, both live and Home Study! Some are FREE to Circle members!
  • I am always a click away when you need support.
  • A small, connected, willing, women-only community where everyone knows you well enough to be helpful.

Join The Perception Circle

Your First Month is just $1.00.
Take a test drive!

Don’t Wait.
Join Now.

In your life, how do you find the spiritual inspiration, encouragement, and support you seek?

Especially at 2:30 in the morning or in times of emotional or physical crisis?

We all crave spiritual inspiration and yearn for comfort.

Do you ever feel like you are an alien and no one thinks the way you do? Find others who have felt the same way here in the Perception Circle.

Are you confused about the practicality of spirituality or wondering why bad things happen to good people?

Find the answers that not only satisfy but clarify, without putting you in a dogma box and instead releasing you to freedom.

Why join a membership when so much information is free?

It’s lovely to have free information, but it is even more wonderful to have a community that speaks the same language as you and will support and encourage you while providing the information you can not find anywhere else.

What is the basic premise of the information found In Perception Circle?

We begin with the correct perception, a spiritual perception. Spiritual Perception is the point of view that you are a Spirit Being, not material or human doing.

Spiritual Perception begins with the premise that everything is perfect now, whether we are experiencing it or not.

Spiritual Perception knows that God, Divine Love, Infinite Mind, is the Only Power and that power is good, intelligent, loving, supreme, and infinite.

The only way to permanently change your life is to make a conscious choice to shift perspective.

Given that, eventually, we will all have to choose a Spiritual Perception, why not start now?

A safe place to be.

This is the place to be yourself. You can be part of this community and feel comfortable whether you are a visible participant or a silent one.

No matter how you like your information, the format is here.

Audio, video, PDF’s—it’s all here, and more are arriving every month. The Circle is designed to meet your needs.

Course Discounts

****Yes, as a member of the Perception Circleyou will receive a discount on all classes, both live and online.****

Some of the things you will find in the Circle are:

    * Meditation and affirmation audios.
    * A collection of writings from multiple fields that point to the power of perception and omniscience of Love.
    * Personal contact with Beca: Yes, I am always available to members of the Circle.
    * Monthly question and answer calls with Beca.
    * And that’s just a taste of what you’ll find within the Circle.

Need answers, want to discuss ideas?

You can post in the Circle Forum at any time, day or night. Ask questions, get clarity, arrange to order your quality lists, and meet friends. The Forum Circle is your gathering space.

Not only will I answer your questions, but the members of the Circle will always be there, too.

As a member of The Perception Circle, you have free access to almost everything on this site.

Almost .. because a few pages are only visible to those taking a specific class or belonging to The Women’s Council.

Your membership in the Circle will feed you every day with ideas, support, encouragement, inspiration, and most of all, Truth and connection. This is the well that never runs dry and expands to feed you and everyone whose life you touch.

It’s always easier to travel together than to feel alone. Join us. We are here for you.

Join The Perception Circle

Your First Month is just $1.00.
Take a test drive!

Don’t Wait.
Join Now.

NOTE: The Perception Circle opens briefly only twice a year for new members. If you want access to this fantastic group, join the waiting list. You’ll be the first to know when it is open.

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