PERCEPTION U About The Women’s Council

What Is The Women’s Council

The Women’s Council is a unified group of spiritually driven women who believe and act from the spiritual law, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

They are independent thinkers who believe the time for thinkers has come.

What Is The Intent Of The Women’s Council?

To establish a community of women who are guided and driven by the desire to know and live the Truth of the Spirituality of One.

What Is Its Purpose?

Connect – Respect – Protect

Its purpose is to connect women with other women who will respect and protect each other and who desire to participate in a purpose greater than can be accomplished alone.

To restore the power of True Womanhood to each individual woman so that she may bloom her unique spiritual blessing within her own life and assist others to bloom within theirs.

They actively practice and live spiritual principles and desire to know and understand as Divine Love above all else. They know that their dedication to their spiritual awareness blesses all.


Who Is The “Guy” In All The Pictures?

That is my husband, Del Piper, our background support, and sharer of his huge reservoir of wisdom about nature, Native American studies, and much more. You’ll meet him at The Gathering, and on Shift Master and Perception Circle calls.

<blockquote>The more I hear about Awareness, the more I practice it, and the more I practice it, the more I understand it. This is what <em>The Women’s Council</em> gives me – a place to hear about and practice Awareness in order to gain more Understanding. A SAFE place. A place where everyone already agrees with what I agree with, which eliminates the appearance of a battle to understand. Eliminates the ego feeling of “failure”, “not getting it,” or struggle. The only struggle here is the wonderful one of practice, practice, practice!

I am SO Grateful for The Council! And that’s what I’m holding today, as I reflect on the day and year past…… and ease into the new day and days to come….. – Jet

When And Where Does The Council Meet?

We meet bi-monthly (sometimes more) on Tuesday nights at 7:00 New York time via zoom. The calls are recorded in case a member has to miss a meeting. The conversations continue through off weeks via slack, emails, and individual phone calls between partners.

We also gather every two years at a retreat center near the Ohio and Pennsylvania border.

Where does the idea of The Women’s Council come from?

The Indian Spiritual leader, Twylah Nitsch, would often tell the story of The Iroquois Women’s Council. It was this Women’s Council that governed their tribes. The men carried out most of the action of running the tribes, but what they did was carefully monitored and governed by the Women’s Council, which operated completely from internal wisdom and the awareness of One Spirit as the ultimate guide.

When the men of the tribe didn’t follow that wisdom, they were asked to step aside, which they willingly did.

The pattern of government developed by the Iroquois was the groundwork for the American Constitution. You can see the problem, of course. They left out the crucial piece. They left out The Women’s Council.

In fact, they left out listening to women at all, taking away their right to vote. This counterfeit male pattern of behavior can be seen in governments and families’ lives all over the world. The results of this choice are evident.

Within every woman, there is the inner woman who longs to once again be part of a Women’s Council.

The Women’s Council is a sacred space between your home, your business, and your family. It is a retreat, it is a sanctuary. It is the place you pause for yourself. In that pause, you will find the wisdom, courage, and strength to be free. It has always been true that when one woman’s life is changed, all the lives surrounding her change, too.

The Women’s Council is a gathering of women who meet in that safe, secure, joy-filled, stable, expansive space that can only be provided woman to woman. Meet me there.

This is the time for women to once again band together in the spirit of knowing that the woman within is to be honored and listened to by both men and women. In the end, it is the feminine and masculine of yourself that will be brought together as one.

Is this an ongoing group?
<img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-4939″ title=”9″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ >

Yes! The members of The Women’s Council have discovered the unlimited power of unifying and standing behind the Principle of Love. They continue to expand their awareness and practice their skills of shifting perceptions to eliminate all that is not part of the big  Reality.

They know that as they restore the Truth of womanhood for themselves, it provides for every person, place, and thing that appears within their lives. Blessings flow to others without any effort on their part.

The Women’s Council has been working and studying together for some time they have an understanding that far surpasses where they began, and this understanding continues to expand.

This is why joining ;The Women’s Council is a process, and by invitation only. The Women’s Council Is For You: <img src=”” alt=”” align=”left”> Are you a woman?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Are you spiritually driven?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Are you an independent thinker?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you believe and want to act from this spiritual law: “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Have you done what you had to do with your life, but are ready now to do what you “came here” to do?

&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you actively practice spiritual principles?
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;&amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; Will Change Your Life.&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
I am not telling you this to brag, but because I know this to be true. I have witnessed the power of &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; and what it does for each woman individually and as a group. I stand in awe of the results.
&amp;lt;blockquote&amp;gt;&amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; is rather like Google for the Shift. You have a question. You email the question to &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;. They all email you feedback. And the database of understanding grows. You can resolve almost any issue just by reaching out to &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;. And I only say “Almost” because I like to keep my options open……. ~ Jeteye, WFT

I wondered at first what the connections would be like with unknown women so far away from each other. Now I go deeper with my Shift Sisters more easily than with the friends I see all the time!
Love, Kathy

If you have ever experienced, even on a small scale, the gathering of wise women who love and support each other, while living the spiritual principles of One Mind, then you know what will happen within this group.

For far too long, women have tried to “go it alone” when the power lies in ‘gathering together in One Mind.” We have been trained to mistrust, or stay away from each other.

Join &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; to re-learn how to begin with the power of intuition, awareness, and love that is within all of us, but comes so naturally to women.

Come to &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; and restore your own womanhood power. Find yourself in the sanctuary of women that you can trust, and will come to treasure, while discovering and living from your own personal purpose.
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;What Happens In &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;?&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
In &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; I provide the environment, information, tools, and guidance, but the women provide – well, exactly what women provide when given the opportunity: support and encouragement to release the power of womanhood within. It is the highest form of Master Mind. And yes, what happens in &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; stays in &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;.
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;What Is A Master Mind?&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-4941″ title=”10″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ /&amp;gt;We all know that it is not enough to just read a book, or take one class, or do a workshop. These are great tools to get inspired, but what about the long-term process of staying motivated, or seeing the obvious? You know, that “thing” that everyone else sees but you. We all need that “outside” eye. We all need that encouragement to take action!

This is what Napoleon Hill, author of “Think And Grow Rich” said, “A mastermind is the harmonious alliance of two or more minds that create a friendly environment to gather, classify and organize new information for fast and effective implementation.”

If you have never experienced the power of a Master Mind alliance before – NOW is the time! You can’t lose because I guarantee if you fully participate in this process you will experience practical, tangible, and measurable results! What can you lose is what you don’t want anymore. What can you gain? You can gain it all. You can gain your life as you want it to be.
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;Reasons To Join Us&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you want to uncover your deepest dreams?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you spend your days “caretaking?”
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Are you aware of the core desire of your life?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Are you living in the past or not sure of the future?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you compare what was to what is?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you operate from need rather than your passion?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Are you tired of every day the same “old thing?”
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Is life just about “surviving?”
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Would you like an overflow of abundance?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Are you ready to stop making the same mistakes?
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Do you want to have MORE good than you have now?
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;Do You Ever Say?&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;strong&amp;gt;I Don’t Have Enough Time?
I Don’t Have Enough Money?&amp;lt;/strong&amp;gt;

&amp;lt;strong&amp;gt;There Is More Than Enough Of Both! Come join us and experience this Truth for yourself. &amp;lt;/strong&amp;gt;

Of course we will begin with the premise that “what you perceive to be reality magnifies™” and that all it takes is a small shift of perception to see what has been in front of you all along. So imagine what a group of spiritually dedicated women will do for you.

Don’t worry if you miss a session, they will be taped and available for you to listen later. I know you’re busy and may not have time to make all of our LIVE Master Mind calls. But you don’t have to worry about schedule conflicts, because I record each and every call, and it is posted online — within 24 hours.
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;In &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council Master Mind&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; Sessions You Will:&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Get clarity, focus, direction &amp;amp;amp; motivation
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Be held accountable
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Get immediate feedback
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Avoid costly mistakes
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;See and take advantage of opportunities now
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Stop bad habits and ruts
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Experience your wealth now in practical ways
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt;Learn how to always experience enough time and money
&amp;lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&amp;gt; Most of all – be part of a group that knows and practices unconditional love and whose mission is to “go forth and heal”

&amp;lt;img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-4943″ title=”14″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ /&amp;gt;It’s a proven fact that “what we perceive to be reality magnifies.” No need to waste time explaining how this is proven or why it is true. It simply is.

&amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; operates from the premise that all there really is – is God. Divine Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Love Loving Itself, Spirit filling infinite space. Instead of just saying these words, understanding them. Living them. Getting into that “zone” of really getting it!
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;A Quick Master Mind Story:&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
Many years ago in one of my “informal” women’s mastermind groups there was a successful insurance agent. She liked the insurance business, but her dream was to do something else. The group supported her dream, and she began to see it as a possibility.

Then it happened, the chance to take the first step. But, she was afraid and worried. It meant she would have to give up her current business, sell a house she and her husband had just bought, leave their dogs behind, and most of all, her husband was not supportive of any of it.

The group told her we understood how hard it was, and listened as she spoke her fears. And then we reminded her of her dream. We supported her as she made the choice that moved her on that first step. Years later … she is a top organizer of a very prominent, political figure, happy in her life.

This is the basic power of a good Master Mind. &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; is a great Master Mind. Not only does it provide the supportive community you desire, but also it is based on your living from your True Spiritual Nature.

&amp;lt;strong&amp;gt;Your Unique Expression is waiting for you to discover it so you can sing your sweetest song.
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;Find Your Own GPS:&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
What if you had a guidance system built right into your brain that immediately told you when you were off track in your life? Like a GPS system, it alerted you when you made the wrong turn, and told you how far you had to go to reach your destination.
&amp;lt;blockquote&amp;gt;The Truth comes out! Interestingly enough, we can actually lie to ourselves more easily than we can lie to &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council &amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; (I mean, without even realizing it). That’s probably the most important of the 1,000 reasons I value &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; – you all help me to stay in my Truth. You are my Witnesses. You are my Mirror. And you are One, as I am One, and you reflect me, and I reflect you, and there is no more fear. It dissolves in the evidence of One Mind, so clearly expressed as &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;. Jet&amp;lt;/blockquote&amp;gt;
If a roadblock took you out of the way, it kindly and efficiently directed you to an alternative road to your destination. What if it also worked like the OnStar system? If you were in a scary situation you could push a button and find immediate support, encouragement and help.

The really cool thing is – you do!

The problem lies in not being able to access or use them. Perhaps you are a woman who will join me in &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; and really learn how to find and use your own personal guidance and OnStar system…

I have no way to tell you in words how wonderful it will be. But if you are ready for it, you already can hear that “still small voice” guiding you to join us, and I have many women who will be delighted to tell you how being part of &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council &amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;has changed their lives forever.
&amp;lt;h3&amp;gt;How Do I Join &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt;?&amp;lt;/h3&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;strong&amp;gt;Joining &amp;lt;em&amp;gt;The Women’s Council&amp;lt;/em&amp;gt; is a privilege and is a process. You must have been invited in order to join.&amp;lt;/strong&amp;gt;

Please write to me if you have questions about this process!

We are here for you,


Have questions? Write me at beca (dot) lewis (at) gmail (dot) com
&lt;div style=”height: 4.8em; visibility: hidden;”&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&nbsp;

&lt;h2&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;h4&gt;Strengthening The Connection To Yourself, To Others, To The Divine&lt;/h4&gt;
&lt;div class=”box extend pop”&gt;&lt;em&gt;Gathering in a community with like-minded people is one of the most important ingredients in fostering and sustaining personal and spiritual growth.&lt;/em&gt; – Thich Nhah Hanh&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;h3&gt;What Is &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council?&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is a unified group of spiritually driven women who believe and act from the spiritual law, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

They are independent thinkers who believe the time for thinkers has come.
&lt;h3&gt;What Is The Intent Of &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;?&lt;/h3&gt;
The Intent of &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is to establish a community of women who are guided and driven by the desire to know and live the Truth of the Spirituality of One.
&lt;h3&gt;What Is Its Purpose?&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;Connect – Respect – Protect&lt;/strong&gt;

Its purpose is to connect women with other women who will respect and protect each other and who desire to participate in a purpose greater than can be accomplished alone.

To restore the power of True Womanhood to each individual woman so that she may bloom her unique spiritual blessing within her own life and assist others to bloom within theirs.

&lt;img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-46157″ src=”×202.png” alt=”2014-10-08-20.56″ width=”250″ height=”202″ /&gt;
&lt;h3&gt;Who Is The “Guy” In All The Pictures?&lt;/h3&gt;
That is my husband, Del Piper, our background support, and sharer of his huge reservoir of wisdom about nature, Native American studies, and much more. You’ll meet him at &lt;em&gt;The Gathering&lt;/em&gt;, and on &lt;em&gt;Shift Master&lt;/em&gt; calls.
&lt;h3&gt;What Do Council Members Do?&lt;/h3&gt;
They actively practice and live spiritual principles and desire to know and understand as Divine Love above all else. They know that their dedication to their spiritual awareness blesses all.
&lt;blockquote&gt;The more I hear about Awareness, the more I practice it, and the more I practice it, the more I understand it. This is what &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; gives me – a place to hear about and practice Awareness in order to gain more Understanding. A SAFE place. A place where everyone already agrees with what I agree with, which eliminates the appearance of a battle to understand. Eliminates the ego feeling of “failure”, “not getting it,” or struggle. The only struggle here is the wonderful one of practice, practice, practice!

I am SO Grateful for The Council! And that’s what I’m holding today, as I reflect on the day and year past…… and ease into the new day and days to come….. – Jet&lt;/blockquote&gt;
&lt;h3&gt;When And Where Does The Council Meet?&lt;/h3&gt;
We meet bi-weekly (sometimes more) on Tuesday nights at 7:00 New York time via zoom. The calls are recorded in case a member has to miss a meeting. The conversations continue through off weeks via emails and individual phone calls between partners.

We also gather every two years at a retreat center near the Ohio and Pennsylvania border.
&lt;h3&gt;Where does the idea of &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; come from?&lt;/h3&gt;
The Indian Spiritual leader, Twylah Nitsch, would often tell the story of the &lt;em&gt;Iroquois Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;. It was this Women’s Council that governed their tribes. The men carried out most of the action of running the tribes, but what they did was carefully monitored and governed by the Women’s Council, which operated completely from internal wisdom and the awareness of One Spirit as the ultimate guide.

When the men of the tribe didn’t follow that wisdom, they were asked to step aside, which they willingly did.

The pattern of government developed by the Iroquois was the groundwork for the American Constitution. You can see the problem, of course. They left out the crucial piece. They left out &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;.

In fact, they left out listening to women at all, taking away their right to vote. This counterfeit male pattern of behavior can be seen in governments and families’ lives all over the world. The results of this choice are evident.

Within every woman, there is the inner woman who longs to once again be part of a Women’s Council.

&lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is a sacred space between your home, your business, and your family. It is a retreat, it is a sanctuary. It is the place you pause for yourself. In that pause, you will find the wisdom, courage, and strength to be free. It has always been true that when one woman’s life is changed, all the lives surrounding her change, too.

&lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is a gathering of women who meet in that safe, secure, joy-filled, stable, expansive space that can only be provided woman to woman. Meet me there.

This is the time for women to once again band together in the spirit of knowing that the woman within is to be honored and listened to by both men and women. In the end, it is the feminine and masculine of yourself that will be brought together as one.

&lt;h3&gt;Is this an ongoing group?&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-4939″ title=”9″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ /&gt; Yes! The members of &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; have discovered the unlimited power of unifying and standing behind the Principle of Love. They continue to expand their awareness and practice their skills of shifting perceptions to eliminate all that is not part of the big &lt;em&gt;R&lt;/em&gt; Reality.

They know that as they restore the Truth of womanhood for themselves, it provides for every person, place, and thing that appears within their lives. Blessings flow to others without any effort on their part.

Since &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; has been working and studying together for some time they have an understanding that far surpasses where they began, and this understanding continues to expand.

This is why joining &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is a process, &lt;strong&gt;and by invitation only.&lt;/strong&gt;
&lt;h3&gt;How to know if &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is For You:&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you a woman?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you spiritually driven?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you an independent thinker?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you believe and want to act from this spiritual law: “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Have you done what you had to do with your life, but are ready now to do what you “came here” to do?

&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you actively practice spiritual principles?
&lt;h3&gt;&lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; Will Change Your Life.&lt;/h3&gt;
I am not telling you this to brag, but because I know this to be true. I have witnessed the power of &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; and what it does for each woman individually and as a group. I stand in awe of the results.
&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is rather like Google for the Shift. You have a question. You email the question to &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;. They all email you feedback. And the database of understanding grows. You can resolve almost any issue just by reaching out to &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;. And I only say “Almost” because I like to keep my options open……. ~ Jeteye, WFT

I wondered at first what the connections would be like with unknown women so far away from each other. Now I go deeper with my Shift Sisters more easily than with the friends I see all the time!
Love, Kathy&lt;/blockquote&gt;
If you have ever experienced, even on a small scale, the gathering of wise women who love and support each other, while living the spiritual principles of One Mind, then you know what will happen within this group.

For far too long women have tried to “go it alone” when the power lies in ‘gathering together in One Mind.” We have been trained to mistrust, or stay away from each other.

Join &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; to re-learn how to begin with the power of intuition, awareness, and love that is within all of us, but comes so naturally to women.

Come to &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; and restore your own womanhood power. Find yourself in the sanctuary of women that you can trust, and will come to treasure, while discovering and living from your own personal purpose.
&lt;h3&gt;What Happens In &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;?&lt;/h3&gt;
In &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; I provide the environment, information, tools, and guidance, but the women provide – well, exactly what women provide when given the opportunity: support and encouragement to release the power of womanhood within. It is the highest form of Master Mind. And yes, what happens in &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; stays in &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;.
&lt;h3&gt;What Is A Master Mind?&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-4941″ title=”10″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ /&gt;We all know that it is not enough to just read a book, or take one class, or do a workshop. These are great tools to get inspired, but what about the long-term process of staying motivated, or seeing the obvious? You know, that “thing” that everyone else sees but you. We all need that “outside” eye. We all need that encouragement to take action!

This is what Napoleon Hill, author of “Think And Grow Rich” said, “A mastermind is the harmonious alliance of two or more minds that create a friendly environment to gather, classify and organize new information for fast and effective implementation.”

If you have never experienced the power of a Master Mind alliance before – NOW is the time! You can’t lose because I guarantee if you fully participate in this process you will experience practical, tangible, and measurable results! What can you lose is what you don’t want anymore. What can you gain? You can gain it all. You can gain your life as you want it to be.
&lt;h3&gt;Reasons To Join Us&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you want to uncover your deepest dreams?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you spend your days “caretaking?”
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you aware of the core desire of your life?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you living in the past or not sure of the future?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you compare what was to what is?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you operate from need rather than your passion?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you tired of every day the same “old thing?”
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Is life just about “surviving?”
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Would you like an overflow of abundance?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Are you ready to stop making the same mistakes?
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Do you want to have MORE good than you have now?
&lt;h3&gt;Do You Ever Say?&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;I Don’t Have Enough Time?
I Don’t Have Enough Money?&lt;/strong&gt;

&lt;strong&gt;There Is More Than Enough Of Both! Come join us and experience this Truth for yourself. &lt;/strong&gt;

Of course we will begin with the premise that “what you perceive to be reality magnifies™” and that all it takes is a small shift of perception to see what has been in front of you all along. So imagine what a group of spiritually dedicated women will do for you.

Don’t worry if you miss a session, they will be taped and available for you to listen later. I know you’re busy and may not have time to make all of our LIVE Master Mind calls. But you don’t have to worry about schedule conflicts, because I record each and every call, and it is posted online — within 24 hours.
&lt;h3&gt;In &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council Master Mind&lt;/em&gt; Sessions You Will:&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Get clarity, focus, direction &amp;amp; motivation
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Be held accountable
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Get immediate feedback
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Avoid costly mistakes
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;See and take advantage of opportunities now
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Stop bad habits and ruts
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Experience your wealth now in practical ways
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt;Learn how to always experience enough time and money
&lt;img src=”” alt=”” align=”left” /&gt; Most of all – be part of a group that knows and practices unconditional love and whose mission is to “go forth and heal”

&lt;img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-4943″ title=”14″ src=”×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ /&gt;It’s a proven fact that “what we perceive to be reality magnifies.” No need to waste time explaining how this is proven or why it is true. It simply is.

&lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; operates from the premise that all there really is – is God. Divine Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Love Loving Itself, Spirit filling infinite space. Instead of just saying these words, understanding them. Living them. Getting into that “zone” of really getting it!
&lt;h3&gt;A Quick Master Mind Story:&lt;/h3&gt;
Many years ago in one of my “informal” women’s mastermind groups there was a successful insurance agent. She liked the insurance business, but her dream was to do something else. The group supported her dream, and she began to see it as a possibility.

Then it happened, the chance to take the first step. But, she was afraid and worried. It meant she would have to give up her current business, sell a house she and her husband had just bought, leave their dogs behind, and most of all, her husband was not supportive of any of it.

The group told her we understood how hard it was, and listened as she spoke her fears. And then we reminded her of her dream. We supported her as she made the choice that moved her on that first step. Years later … she is a top organizer of a very prominent, political figure, happy in her life.

This is the basic power of a good Master Mind. &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is a great Master Mind. Not only does it provide the supportive community you desire, but also it is based on your living from your True Spiritual Nature.

&lt;strong&gt;Your Unique Expression is waiting for you to discover it so you can sing your sweetest song.
&lt;h3&gt;Find Your Own GPS:&lt;/h3&gt;
What if you had a guidance system built right into your brain that immediately told you when you were off track in your life? Like a GPS system, it alerted you when you made the wrong turn, and told you how far you had to go to reach your destination.
&lt;blockquote&gt;The Truth comes out! Interestingly enough, we can actually lie to ourselves more easily than we can lie to &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council &lt;/em&gt; (I mean, without even realizing it). That’s probably the most important of the 1,000 reasons I value &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; – you all help me to stay in my Truth. You are my Witnesses. You are my Mirror. And you are One, as I am One, and you reflect me, and I reflect you, and there is no more fear. It dissolves in the evidence of One Mind, so clearly expressed as &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;. Jet&lt;/blockquote&gt;
If a roadblock took you out of the way, it kindly and efficiently directed you to an alternative road to your destination. What if it also worked like the OnStar system? If you were in a scary situation you could push a button and find immediate support, encouragement and help.

The really cool thing is – you do!

The problem lies in not being able to access or use them. Perhaps you are a woman who will join me in &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; and really learn how to find and use your own personal guidance and OnStar system…

I have no way to tell you in words how wonderful it will be. But if you are ready for it, you already can hear that “still small voice” guiding you to join us, and I have many women who will be delighted to tell you how being part of &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council &lt;/em&gt;has changed their lives forever.
&lt;h3&gt;How Do I Join &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt;?&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;Joining &lt;em&gt;The Women’s Council&lt;/em&gt; is a privilege and is a process. You must have been invited in order to join.&lt;/strong&gt;

Please write to me if you have questions about this process!

We are here for you,


Have questions? Write me at beca (dot) lewis (at) gmail (dot) com

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